20:27, Mon Mar 3

Open Access/APCs

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Natural Products Collection 2022-2023

Papers from 2023

Honey of Tetragonisca angustula from Southwestern Bahia: Influence of Seasonality on the Physicochemical Profile and Glioma Cell Inhibitory Effect

Adrianne B. Ferreira ; Cleber G. Novaes ; Hion O. de Jesus; Julita Maria P. Borges; Florisvaldo S. Ramos; Anderson J. Pereira; Djalma M. de Oliveiraa; Rosane M. Aguiar

Total access: 2373

Phenolic Compounds from Leaves of Cariniana estrellensis (Raddi) Kuntze (Lecythidaceae): A Brazilian Atlantic Forest Tree

Angelica N. Tiepo ; Isabel D. Coutinho; Guilherme O. Machado; Halley C. Oliveira ; José Antonio Pimenta ; Liliane Marcia M. Henning ; Luiz Alberto Colnago; Renata Stolf-Moreira

Total access: 1233

Indoquinoline Alkaloids from Sida rhombifolia (L.) (Malvaceae) and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Cryptolepinone Derivatives

Micaelly S. Oliveira; Otemberg S. Chaves; Laísa V. Cordeiro; Ayala N. P. Gomes; Diégina A. Fernandes; Yanna C. F. Teles; Tania M. S. da Silva ; Kristerson R. L. Freire; Edeltrudes O. Lima; Maria de Fátima Agra; Maria de Fátima V. de Souza

Total access: 1879

Metabolomics Analysis of Combretum lanceolatum Roots in the Presence of Its Endophytic Fungi

Lenard Serrano ; Jhuly W. F. Lacerda ; Mariana S. Moura ; Akbar Ali ; Leonardo G. de Vasconcelos ; Paulo T. Sousa Junior ; Barbara S. Bellete ; Marcos A. Soares ; Lucas C. C. Vieira ; Olívia M. Sampaio

Total access: 1036

Amazonian Fruit Mari-Mari (Cassia leiandra Benth.): Identification of Flavonoids and Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Properties

Mayane P. de Souza; Ingrity Suelen C. Sá; Flávio Augusto de Freitas ; Afonso D. L. de Souza ; Sergio M. Nunomura; Magno P. Muniz; Ana Paula R. Pereira; Bianca O. Augusto; Giovana B. Gomes; Renata T. Perdomo; Maria Lígia R. Macedo; Simone S. Weber; Rita de Cassia S. Nunomura

Total access: 2203

Virtual Screening Based on Ligand and Structure with in vitro Assessment of Neolignans against Trypanosoma cruzi

Mayara S. Maia ; Rodrigo S. Andrade; Julyanne M. S. Sousa; Natália F. Sousa; Gabriela C. S. Rodrigues; Renata P. B. Menezes; Marcelo S. Silva ; Josean F. Tavares; Klinger A. F. Rodrigues; Luciana Scotti; Marcus T. Scotti

Total access: 970

Validation HPLC-DAD Method for Quantification of Gallic and Ellagic Acid from Eugenia punicifolia Leaves, Extracts and Fractions

Liliane S. Silva; Matheus G. de Oliveira; Christiane F. Martins; Leonardo L. Borges; Tatiana S. Fiuza; Edemilson C. da Conceição; José R. de Paula

Total access: 1233

Strategies for Metabolomic Analysis of Damaged Skin from Cell and Tissue Samples Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Samantha C. H. Rodrigues; Helvécio C. Menezes; Dawidson A. Gomes; Zenilda L. Cardeal

Total access: 894

Marine Natural Products in the Battle against Dengue, Zika, and Chikungunya Arboviruses

Thayssa S. F. Fagundes ; Thatyana R. A. Vasconcelos ; Fernando M. dos Santos Junior ; Bia F. Rajsfus ; Diego Allonso ; José C. J. M. D. S. Menezes ; Alessandra L. Valverde ; Vinicius R. Campos

Total access: 940

Green Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial and Leishmanicidal Activities of Silver Nanoparticles Obtained from Aqueous Extract of Eucalyptus grandis

Lucas M. F. Oliveira; Ueveton P. da Silva; João Pedro V. Braga; Álvaro V. N. C. Teixeira; Andréa O. B. Ribon; Eduardo V. V. Varejão; Eduardo A. F. Coelho; Camila S. de Freitas; Róbson R. Teixeira; Renata P. L. Moreira

Total access: 855

Baru Seed Extracted Oil (Dipteryx alata Vog.): Chemical Composition and Thermal and Oxidative Stability

Linamarys A. O. Paulo; Raquel N. Fernandes; Kelly M. B. Gandra; Valéria P. R. Minim; Luis A. Minim; Renato Grimaldi; Márcia C. T. R. Vidigal

Total access: 911

Fatty Acid Content and Physicalchemical Properties of Cagaite Seed Oil (Eugenia dysenterica DC) Obtained by Different Extraction Methods

Rafael C. Rial ; Thais C. Merlo; Piter H. M. Santos; Luiz Felipe D. Melo; Osmar N. de Freitas; Reginaldo Aparecido Barbosa; Carlos Eduardo D. Nazário; Luíz Henrique Viana

Total access: 1879

Nectarine Coated with Biopolymeric Nanocapsules Containing Eugenol to Control Brown Rot

Joslaine Jacumazo; Gabriela P. Parchen; Meira J. B. Garcia; Nayana C. S. Santos; Louise L. M. De Mio; Francisco A. Marques ; Rilton A. de Freitas

Total access: 867

Characterization of Flavonoids Profiles in Polar Extracts from Croton grewioides Baill. Using Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Pedro E. S. do Nascimento; Vilma M. J. Prado; Raphael A. de Jesus; Wenes R. da Silva; Alberto Wisniewski Jr. ; José C. F. Sá Filho; Arie F. Blank; Daniel A. de Souza; Elma R. S. A. Wartha; Paulo C. L. Nogueira; Valéria R. S. Moraes

Total access: 1817

Differences in the Chemical Composition of Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Nectar Explain Flower Gender Preference by Its Pollinator, Apis mellifera

Nayanny S. Fernandes; Lícia R. Luz; Elenilson G. Alves Filho ; Fernando Antonio S. de Aragão ; Guilherme J. Zocolo ; Breno M. Freitas

Total access: 948

Seasonal and Circadian Evaluation of the Pectis brevipedunculata Essential Oil and Its Acaricidal Activity against Rhipicephalus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae)

Marcos B. P. Camara; Aldilene S. Lima; Luis Oswaldo V. Jumbo; Caio P. Tavares; Cáritas de Jesus S. Mendonça; Odair S. Monteiro; Sabrina Helena C. Araújo; Eugênio Eduardo de Oliveira; José S. Lima Neto; José Guilherme S. Maia ; Livio M. Costa-Junior; Cláudia Q. da Rocha

Total access: 928

Warminins A, B and C, Three New Furofuran Lignans from Aristolochia warmingii Mast. (Aristolochiaceae)

Camila L. Cunha; Paulo Vinícius G. de Antonio; Maria do Carmo G. Lustosa; Állefe B. Cruz; Juliana C. Holzbach ; Douglas H. Pereira ; Isabele R. Nascimento

Total access: 888

Dereplication of Sclerotiorin-Like Azaphilones Produced by Penicillium meliponae Using LC-MS/MS Analysis and Molecular Networking

Eldrinei G. Peres ; Mayane P. Souza; Thiago F. Sousa; Carlos V. A. da Silva ; André L. Barros; Felipe M. A. da Silva; Emmanoel V. Costa; Lívia S. de Medeiros; Moacir R. Forim ; Afonso D. L. de Souza ; Weider H. P. Paz; Gilvan F. da Silva; Antonia Q. L. de Souza ; Hector H. F. Koolen

Total access: 921

Assessment of Ora-Pro-Nobis (Pereskia aculeata Miller) Leaves Shelf-Life in Different Conditions by Using NIR Spectroscopy and Augmented Matrices with Chemometrics

Fernanda L. Furlan; Makoto Matsushita; Aline Coqueiro ; Paulo Henrique Março; Patrícia Valderrama

Total access: 1409

Molecular Modeling Studies of ?-Sitosterol Extract from Miconia burchellii Triana (Melastomataceae) from Brazilian Cerrado

Marianna C. Silva ; Vitor S. Duarte; Lóide O. Sallum ; Gracielle O. S. Cunha; Jean M. F. Custodio; Allen G. Oliver; Josana C. Peixoto; Antônio C. S. Menezes; Hamilton B. Napolitano

Total access: 1043

Evaluation of the Metabolic Production from the Co-Culture of Saccharicola sp. and Botryosphaeria parva, an Endophytic Fungi Associated with Eugenia jambolana Lam.

Mayra F. Costa; Maiara S. Borges; Vanessa M. Chapla ; Carolina R. Biasetto; Isabele R. Nascimento ; Vanderlan S. Bolzani; Angela R. Araujo

Total access: 1060

Unraveling the Metabolomic Profile and Bioactivities of the Paratoid Gland Secretion from Rhinella granulosa

Elcio Daniel S. Barros; Evaldo S. Monção Filho; Mariluce G. Fonseca; Patrícia S. Alves; Antônia Laíres S. Santos; Chistiane M. Feitosa; Dulce Helena S. Silva ; Pedro Mikael S. Costa; Cláudia Pessoa; Carmem D. L. Campos; Cristina A. Monteiro; Mariana Helena Chaves ; Gerardo M. Vieira Júnior

Total access: 965

Evaluation of Extraction Parameters for the Analysis of Lipid Classes in Plants

Taynara S. Matos ; Mariana S. Marques; Cleber J. N. Chaves ; Flávia S. Zandonadi ; Clarisse Palma-Silva ; Alessandra Sussulini

Total access: 943

UPLC-QTOF-MSE-Based Metabolic Profile to Screening Candidates of Biomarkers of Dwarf-Cashew Clones Resistant and Susceptible to Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz) Penz. & Sacc.)

Priscilla C. C. Alves; Jhonyson A. C. Guedes ; Luiz A. L. Serrano; Marlon V. V. Martins; Debora B. de Sousa; Gisele S. Silva ; Paulo R. V. Ribeiro; Dávila S. Zampieri; Guilherme J. Zocolo

Total access: 1144

Papers from 2022

Metabolomic and Histological Response of Passiflora cincinnata Infected with Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) Reveals Changes in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Phases

Paulo R. R. Mesquita ; Naira C. S. Barbosa; Fábio N. dos Santos; Frederico M. Rodrigues; Emanuel F. M. Abreu; Kelly R. B. Leite; Onildo N. Jesus; Andréia I. Tumelero; Alessandra S. Schnadelbach; Cristiane J. Barbosa

Total access: 845

Anti-Hyperglycemic Activities, Molecular Docking and Structure-Activity Relationships (SARs) Studies of Endiandric Acids and Kingianins from Endiandra kingiana

Nur Amirah Saad ; Sharifah Mohammad; Mohamad Hafizi Abu Bakar; Mohammad Tasyriq Che Omar; Marc Litaudon; Khalijah Awang; Mohamad Nurul Azmi

Total access: 1178

Volatile Metabolomics from Cashew Leaves: Assessment of Resistance Biomarkers Associated with Black Mold (Pilgeriella anacardii Arx & Müller)

Debora B. de Sousa; Gisele S. da Silva ; Jhonyson A. C. Guedes ; Luiz A. L. Serrano; Marlon V. V. Martins;
Tigressa H. S. Rodrigues ; Edy S. de Brito ; Davila Zampieri; Mary A. S. Lima ; Guilherme J. Zocolo

Total access: 1242

Characterization of Commercially Available Turmeric for Use in Pharmaceutical Products and Food Supplements

Rodrigo Boscariol; Thais H. Paulino; José M. Oliveira Jr.; Victor M. Balcão; Marta M. D. C. Vila

Total access: 890

Phytocomponents, Evaluation of Anticholinesterase Activity and Toxicity of Hydroethanolic Extracts of
Parkia platycephala Benth.

Rachel M. N. Fernandes ; Maria Angélica M. Rodrigues; Claudia Andrea L. Cardoso ; Daniela R. Alves; Selene M. Morais; Juliane F. Panontin; Elisandra Scapin

Total access: 1016

Valorization of Hesperidin from Citrus Residues: Evaluation of Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Hesperidin-Mg Complex and Their Insecticidal Activity

Danielle F. da Silva; João P. A. Bomfim; Rafael C. Marchi; Jéssica C. Amaral; Luciano S. Pinto; Rose M. Carlos; Antonio G. Ferreira ; Moacir R. Forim ; João B. Fernandes; Maria F. G. F. da Silva ; Regiane C. de Oliveira; David Buss; William D. J. Kirk ; Toby J. A. Bruce

Total access: 1026

Molecular Docking in silico Analysis of Brazilian Essential Oils Against Host Targets and SARS-CoV-2 Proteins

Rêmullo B. G. M. Costa ; Regildo M. G. Martins; Gerlane S. de Lima; Thayza C. M. Stamford; Wanderli P. Tadei; Maria Aparecida M. Maciel ; Amália C. M. do Rêgo; Francisco H. Xavier-Júnior

Total access: 1090

Chromatographic Profiles of Ethyl Acetate Extracts Produced by Bacillus sp. Collected from the Mangroves in the Brazilian Northeast

Camilla A. S. Valença; Luciana M. Hollanda; Sona Jain; Elina B. Caramão

Total access: 796

Assessment of the Economic and Energetic Potential of Residues from the Green Coconut Industry

Débora C. F. Romão ; Claudio C. Santana Jr.; Mateus R. Brito; Elisandra Scapin ; Marcelo Pedroza ; Michele C. D. Rambo ; Magale K. D. Rambo

Total access: 918

Biologically Active Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Produced by Rhizospheric Actinobacteria Strains Inhibit the Growth of the Phytopathogen Colletotrichum musae

Maria V. de Brito ; Wéverson L. Fonseca; Jair Mafezoli; Francisco G. Barbosa; Fátima M. Nunes; Marcos C. de Mattos ; João E. A. dos Santos; Francisca S. A. Araujo; Regimara F. B. S. Vieira; Hilton C. R. Magalhães; Celli R. Muniz; Deborah S. Garruti; Marcio A. Ootani; José M. Souza Netto; Licarion Pinto ; Francisco M. P. Viana; Maria C. F. Oliveira

Total access: 1303

Friedelane Triterpenes with Cytotoxic Activity from the Leaves of Maytenus quadrangulata (Celastraceae)

Mariana G. de Aguilar ; Grasiely F. de Sousa ; Fernanda C. G. Evangelista; Adriano P. Sabino; Karen C. Camargo; Sidney A. Vieira Filho; Yule R. F. Nunes; Lucienir P. Duarte

Total access: 1028

Effects of Citrus Sudden Death Disease on Fatty Acid Profile of Orange Tree Bark

Rosilene A. Prestes; Luiz A. Colnago ; Emanuel Carrilho ; Nelson R. Antoniosi Filho; Maria Isabel R. Alves

Total access: 988

Natural and Semisynthetic Triterpenes from Combretum leprosum Mart. with Antiplasmodial Activity

Guilherme M. Passarini ; Amália S. Ferreira ; Leandro S. Moreira-Dill ; Fernando B. Zanchi; Aurileya G. de Jesus ; Valdir A. Facundo; Carolina B. G. Teles

Total access: 900

Anti-Zika Virus Effects, Placenta Protection and Chemical Composition of Passiflora edulis Seeds Ethanolic Extract

Jadriane A. Xavier ; Jaqueline C. Santos; Monique A. Vila Nova; Camilla M. Gonçalves; Karen S. C. Borbely ; Keyla S. N. Pires; Flávia A. R. dos Santos ; Iara B. Valentim ; Júnia H. P. Barbosa; Felipe C. da Silva; Josué C. C. Santos ; Danielle R. Pinho; Norberto P. Lopes ; Alexandre U. Borbely ; Marília O. F. Goulart

Total access: 1235

Extracts of the Native Brazilian Tree Garcinia gardneriana Inhibit Urediniospore Germination of Coffee Leaf Rust Fungus

Ueveton P. da Silva; Bruno W. Ferreira; Bianca L. de Sousa ; Gabriela M. Furlani; Robert W. Barreto; Ana Paula Agrizzi ; João Paulo V. Leite ; Marcelo H. dos Santos ; Eduardo V. V. Varejão

Total access: 1060

Leishmanicidal and Antimicrobial Activities of 4-Quinolone Alkaloids from Stems of the Medicinal Plant Waltheria indica (Malvaceae) and their Chemotaxonomic Significance

Raquel M. Silva; Levy T. S. Domingos; Gabriellen M. M. de Castro; Marinella S. Laport; Antônio Ferreira-Pereira ; Murilo M. C. Lima; Fernando Cotinguiba

Total access: 2292

How Much do the Environmental Conditions Interfere with the Essential Oils of Eugenia spp. L. (Myrtaceae)?

Raisa M. Silveira ; Ana F. U. Carvalho; Mariana O. Bünger; Manuella M. Gomes; Itayguara R. da Costa

Total access: 832

Novel Insecticides from Alkylated and Acylated Derivatives of Thymol and Eugenol for the Control of
Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)

Claudio A. G. da Camara ; Bogdan Doboszewski; João P. R. de Melo; Alexander Y. Nazarenko ; Rodrigo B. dos Santos; Marcilio M. Moraes

Total access: 1832

Two Woody Scented Oils from the Amazonian Forest

Eduardo Mattoso; Charlene S. dos Anjos ; Lauro Barata; Anita J. Marsaioli

Total access: 911

Quality Control for Lignin and Gelatin Microcapsules Loaded with Orange Essential Oil

Maria Clara S. Aguiar ; Bárbara E. Denadae; Maria Fátima G. F. Silva ; João B. Fernandes; Paulo R. S. Bittencourt ; Fernando R. Scremin; Moacir R. Forim

Total access: 1632

Development and Chemical Characterization of Pequi Pericarp Flour (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) and Effect of in vitro Digestibility on the Bioaccessibility of Phenolic Compounds

Bárbara O. Santos ; Maurício Tanigaki ; Mauro R. Silva ; Ana Luiza C. C. Ramos ; Renata A. Labanca ; Rodinei Augusti ; Júlio O. F. Melo ; Jacqueline A. Takahashi ; Raquel L. B. de Araújo

Total access: 1614

Volatile Constituents of Floral Scents from Encyclia cordigera (Kunth) Dressler and E. randii (Barb. Rodr.) Porto & Brade (Orchidaceae)

Franciléia M. de Vasconcelos; Eloisa Helena A. Andrade; Luiz Otávio A. Teixeira; José Guilherme S. Maia

Total access: 760

Antioxidant Properties of Croton zehntneri Pax et Hoffm. Essential Oil and Its Inclusion
Complex with β-Cyclodextrin Prepared by Spray Drying

Antônio J. P. Sousa; George L. S. Oliveira; Lorenna Fonseca; Marcio S. Rocha; Mahendra Rai; Francisco E. P. Santos;
Sidney G. de Lima

Total access: 876

Online version ISSN 1678-4790 Printed version ISSN 0103-5053
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
JBCS Editorial and Publishing Office
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
13083-970 Campinas-SP, Brazil

Free access