8:39, Thu Feb 13

Open Access/APCs

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Open Access/APCs

Open Access

The Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (JBCS) is a full open access journal. All articles published by the JBCS are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without any subscription charges or registration barriers.

Article-Processing Charges (APC)

Authors are required to pay an article-processing charge (APC) to help cover the publication costs for their articles. The APC will be applicable only after manuscript acceptance by Editors. Note that the manuscript evaluation by Peer Review is performed as usual.

APC Values

Discounts are offered to all corresponding authors that are active members of the Sociedade Brasileira de Química (SBQ) for at least 2 successive years. Additional discounts are offered whenever 2 or 3 or more papers from the corresponding authors are accepted for publication in a given year in any of the four journals published by SBQ, in whatever order (JBCS, Química Nova, Revista Virtual de Química e Química Nova na Escola). The APC values for all accepted articles are as indicated below. For more details on the policies related to these APC values, see this SBQ communique - document in Portuguese.

Number of articles accepted in the given year* APC for SBQ non-members, from Brazilian (overseas) institutions APC for SBQ members for ≥2 years, from Brazilian (overseas) institutions APC for SBQ members for ≥5 years, from Brazilian (overseas) institutions
R$ / (US$)** R$ / (US$)** R$ / (US$)**
1 1.890,00 / (495.00) 1.512,00 / (396.00) 945,00 / (247.50)
2 1.701,00 / (445.50) 1.228,50 / (322.00) 661,50 / (173.00)
≥3 1.530,90 / (401.00) 945,00 / (247.50) 378,00 / (99.00)

* Applicable to the four journals published by SBQ (see above), in whatever order. For example, for SBQ members for ≥2 years from overseas institutions, if three papers of theirs are accepted in a given year, the 1st one by JBCS, the 2nd one by Química Nova and the 3rd one by JBCS, the APC for the 1st paper is US$396, whereas the APC for the 3rd paper is only US$247.50.

** Payments from overseas corresponding authors are processed through PayPal.

Online version ISSN 1678-4790 Printed version ISSN 0103-5053
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
JBCS Editorial and Publishing Office
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
13083-970 Campinas-SP, Brazil

Free access