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Ethical Guides

JBCS Ethics and Publication Copyright

Authors’ ethical obligations towards the scientific community and JBCS (SBQ)

JBCS expects that, on submitting their papers, authors follow the ethical rules described below. Otherwise, they will be subjected to sanction according to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) recommendations. COPE has been the forum for the JBCS editors in the guidance or recommendations concerning ethics of scholarly publishing.

1- Information and co-authorship permission

The submitting author is responsible for including in the author list the names of every researcher actually responsible for the work. It is his/her duty to inform his/her collaborators of the manuscript content and obtain their permission for submission and publication.

2 - Privileged Information

It is the authors’ responsibility to carefully search through the several searching sites (SCI-ISI, Scopus, Google, and so on) for all the scientific work relevant to their reasoning, whether they agree or not with the results and hypotheses presented.

Data taken from the work of researchers, other than the ones who are authors of the manuscript being submitted to JBCS, must be properly cited and credited.  Such identification must be as detailed as possible. Privileged information, such as personal communications or discussions with a non-author, can only be cited with the explicit permission of the involved researcher.

3- Fragmentation

Work fragmentation takes too much journal space and makes literature research more difficult and time consuming. A scientist who does extensive work in a system or group of similar systems should organize his/her publication so as to present a solidly based study, as complete as possible, even if it covers only one aspect of such system.

4- Exclusivity

Simultaneous submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal places unnecessary extra load on the peer reviewing system, and expectations on the journal that may be deceived if an accepted manuscript is withdrawn, representing an ethical deviation which is not accepted in the SBQ Journals.

5- Duplication/Plagiarism

Plagiarism, defined as “the appropriation of someone else’s ideas, processes, results or words, without the proper credit” is not accepted in SBQ’s scientific journals. We consider plagiarism the word-for-word (or close to) copy of any other author’s texts or sentences. The self-plagiarism, that is, the replication of texts or data from previous works of the authors themselves, with or without the proper citation, is equally unacceptable. Reasonable repetition of some ideas and the re-ordering of one or two sentences by the authors themselves are acceptable. Word-for-word replication of data or sentences must come between quotation marks and with the due credit, in case it is essential for the discussion or contextualization of a specific set of data or hypotheses. It is equally unacceptable the suggestion of newness when the methodology or results have already been published, either by the author him/herself or by any other author.

Thus, the JBCS has taken important measures against plagiarism and has licensed iThenticate, plagiarism-checking software to ensure the originality of the submitted manuscripts.

6. Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction

Ethics and Misconduct:

  • Ethical Standards: The Ethics and Misconduct Policy of JBCS adheres to the highest ethical standards in scholarly publishing. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to uphold integrity, honesty, and transparency in all aspects of the publication process.
  • Plagiarism and Duplicate Submission: Authors are required to submit original work that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism and duplicate submission are strictly prohibited. Submitted manuscripts will undergo plagiarism checks using the iThenticate software.
  • Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their research or manuscript. Reviewers and editors must also declare any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from handling manuscripts where a conflict exists.

Correction and Retraction:

  • Correction of Errors: In the event that errors are identified in published articles, the journal will consider requests for corrections. Corrections will be issued promptly to rectify factual inaccuracies or misleading information.
  • Retraction: Articles may be retracted if they are found to contain significant errors, ethical violations, or misconduct. Retractions will be accompanied by an explanation outlining the reasons for the retraction.

Consultation with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics):

  • Adherence to COPE Guidelines: The journal's editorial team will consult the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) when handling cases of ethical concerns, correction, and retraction.
  • Conflict of Interest Resolution: Any conflicts of interest related to ethical issues, correction, or retraction will be resolved in accordance with COPE guidelines.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The journal is committed to transparency and accountability in its editorial processes. Decisions related to ethics, correction, and retraction will be made in a fair and transparent manner, with the best interests of all stakeholders in mind.

7- Request of permission to reproduce already published material

It is relatively common, in Reviews and Accounts, the reproduction of figures, schemes and photos already published in other works. However, such reproduction requires the copyright permission given by the editor house of the original work, even if these materials were published by the same authors.

It is the authors' responsibility to obtain permission from other publishers for the reproduction of any artwork from other journals to be used in Reviews, Accounts or any other type of publication. Such specific Copyright Permissions should be sent to the JBCS Editorial Manager by e-mail (office@jbcs.sbq.org.br). Suitable acknowledgement of reproduction must be given in the captions, in accordance with the recommendations of the original editors.

8- Ethical standards for the human and animal experimentations

Upon submission of papers involving humans, authors should CONFIRM THAT they have followed the procedures in accordance with ethical standards of institutional committee on human experimentation and Helsinki´s declaration. If the paper involves experiments with animals YOU SHOULD CONFIRM THAT the use of animals is in agreement with ethics and animal care institutional committee.

Also, editors should request, if necessary, additional information on the ethical aspects of the research when involving experiments on humans or animals.

9. Digital Preservation

The JBCS editorial office acknowledges the importance of digital preservation to ensure the integrity and accessibility of digital resources over time. To achieve this goal, we have established the following guidelines:

The JBCS editorial board is responsible for the implementation and execution of digital preservation activities, and commits to maintaining regular records of the organization's digital resources to identify and document data types, file formats, and storage locations. Digital resources are stored in secure environments and protected against threats such as data loss, corruption, and unauthorized access. The JBCS editorial office is responsible for facilitating the migration of obsolete file formats to more updated formats, ensuring the continuous accessibility of digital resources. Detailed metadata will be maintained for each digital resource, including information about its origin, authenticity, and usage context. Regular backups of digital resources are performed to ensure quick recovery in the event of system failure or data loss. The digital preservation policy will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure its ongoing effectiveness and compliance with best practices.

10. Sex and Gender Equity

The JBCS editorial team and authors are required to adhere to the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines, ensuring the proper reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, and interpretation of findings. Additionally, JBCS follows gender equity policies in editorial board training.

Online version ISSN 1678-4790 Printed version ISSN 0103-5053
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
JBCS Editorial and Publishing Office
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
13083-970 Campinas-SP, Brazil

Free access