22:50, Thu Feb 27

Open Access/APCs

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Online Report Forms Instructions (new)

Dear Referee,

The JBCS implemented a new electronic online submission procedure. Here, the Instructions for the online report to be made by the referee through the system are detailed.


First step:

• Go to the main page of the JBCS system (http://jbcs.sbq.org.br) and type your Login and Password to access your user webpage (as Referee). Your user webpage will be opened.
• Find the Pending reviews section, where you will read the reference numbers and the names of the corresponding manuscripts that need your attention.
• If you forgot your password, use the link Forgot password on the main page of the JBCS system (http://jbcs.sbq.org.br).

Second step: once logged in and having located the Pending reviews section, you will find three possible links for each manuscript (under your evaluation).

Resumo and Abstract: this link must be accessed before the other two links because it will show the manuscript summary (in English and/or in Portuguese). It contains the necessary information for you to make the decision of reviewing the manuscript or of declining to review (to be done in the sequence, the following links).
Agree Review: click on this link in case you agree to review the manuscript.
Decline Review: click on this link in case you decline to review the manuscript.

Link 2: Agree Review
Made this option, a new page will be opened, where you will have complete information about the manuscript (number, title, classification, active review, etc.) and then, the files: PDF Version, the links: Open Manuscript Details, View Cover Letter). The PDF Version can be saved in your computer.
At the top of the page, there is a link Fill out the report __/__ (reference number), which you will use to fill in the manuscript evaluation report, as follows:

Fill out the report __/__
On this page, you will fill out the box and/or upload your evaluation of the manuscript. Pay attention that there are comments for the author, comments for the Editor/Administrator. Thus, choose in the Referee Decision between the following options: Major revision, Minor revision, Don't publish and Accept. Finally, you have to evaluate the manuscript using the Summary Ratings.

These steps completed, you will have two options: Save Form (without sending) or Save/Send to the Editor to finish the process.

Link 3: Decline Review
Made this option, a new page will be opened where you will fill (in the box)/choose the reason for not reviewing the manuscript (this will be sent to the Editor).
You will be asked to suggest other possible referees (in the box) to help the manuscript evaluation.
After filling out, click in Save/Next to finish. The manuscript that you have declined to revise will not appear in your user webpage (as Referee) any more.

Online version ISSN 1678-4790 Printed version ISSN 0103-5053
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
JBCS Editorial and Publishing Office
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
13083-970 Campinas-SP, Brazil

Free access