Recent Papers - Machine Learning Special Issue
Reviews/Accounts - last 5 years
Eugenol was converted, in three steps, into a series of fluorinated-1,2,3-triazole derivatives. The fungicidal activity of the compounds was evaluated in vitro on Colletotrichum sp., which causes papaya anthracnose. The most active derivative inhibited the mycelial growth and conidial germination of the pathogen. Details are presented in the Article Synthesis of Eugenol-Fluorinated Triazole Derivatives and Evaluation of Their Fungicidal Activity by Ângela M. A. Lima, Wenderson T. de Paula, Iris C. H. L. Leite, Poliana A. R. Gazolla, Lucas M. de Abreu, Victor R. Fonseca, Wanderson Romão, Valdemar Lacerda Jr., Vagner T. de Queiroz, Róbson R. Teixeira and Adilson V. Costa on page 1200.
Ângela M. A. Lima; Wenderson T. de Paula; Iris C. H. L. Leite ; Poliana A. R. Gazolla; Lucas M. de Abreu
; Victor R. Fonseca; Wanderson Romão
; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.
; Vagner T. de Queiroz; Róbson R. Teixeira
; Adilson V. Costa
Eugenol was converted, in three steps, into a series of fluorinated-1,2,3-triazole derivatives. The fungicidal activity of the compounds was evaluated in vitro on Colletotrichum sp., which causes papaya anthracnose. The most active derivative inhibited the mycelial growth and conidial germination of the pathogen. Details are presented in the Article Synthesis of Eugenol-Fluorinated Triazole Derivatives and Evaluation of Their Fungicidal Activity by Ângela M. A. Lima, Wenderson T. de Paula, Iris C. H. L. Leite, Poliana A. R. Gazolla, Lucas M. de Abreu, Victor R. Fonseca, Wanderson Romão, Valdemar Lacerda Jr., Vagner T. de Queiroz, Róbson R. Teixeira and Adilson V. Costa on page 1200.
Edna M. A. Costa; Daniel B. Carrão; Jade L. M. Bucci; Anderson R. M. Oliveira; Tallita M. Machado; Vitor F. Ferreira ; Émerson S. Lima
; Marne C. Vasconcellos; Igor R. S. Magalhães
Schematic figure showing the strategies adopted to evaluate the in vitro metabolism of a semisynthetic naphthoquinone using human liver microsomes.
Carolina F. M. Pestana; Bianca P. Pinto ; Daniella R. Fernandes; Claudio J. A. Mota
One-step production of acrolein and acrylic acid from glycerol oxidehydration over niobium-based catalysts.
River S. Magalhães ; Pascal Bargiela; Maria da Graça C. da Rocha; Eric S. Gil; Aparecido R. de Souza
Water oxidation cycle using FeCo2O4 catalysts with ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate (CAN).
Maria V. de Brito ; Wéverson L. Fonseca; Jair Mafezoli; Francisco G. Barbosa; Fátima M. Nunes; Marcos C. de Mattos
; João E. A. dos Santos; Francisca S. A. Araujo; Regimara F. B. S. Vieira; Hilton C. R. Magalhães; Celli R. Muniz; Deborah S. Garruti; Marcio A. Ootani; José M. Souza Netto; Licarion Pinto
; Francisco M. P. Viana; Maria C. F. Oliveira
Profile of biologically active volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by rhizosphere actinobacterial strains, with significant growth inhibition of the phytopathogen Colletotrichum musae, with deformation of the hyphae of this fungus verified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Amanda F. Lopes ; Florêncio S. Gouveia Jr.
; Hélio O. Nascimento
; Vitor P. A. da Silva
; Pablo G. A. Barbosa
; Tecia V. Carvalho; Ronaldo F. do Nascimento
A comparative physical study between dielectric barrier discharge ionization detector (BID) and flame ionization detector (FID) for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pesticides was carried out using structural characteristics and theoretical calculations.
Ângela M. A. Lima; Wenderson T. de Paula; Iris C. H. L. Leite ; Poliana A. R. Gazolla; Lucas M. de Abreu
; Victor R. Fonseca; Wanderson Romão
; Valdemar Lacerda Jr.
; Vagner T. de Queiroz; Róbson R. Teixeira
; Adilson V. Costa
This work describes the synthesis of novel eugenol-fluorinated triazoles derivatives and evaluation of their fungicidal activity against Colletotrichum sp.
Lister P. Bianconi ; Christine Taviot-Gueho; Vera Regina L. Constantino
; Marcos Augusto Bizeto
Layered double hydroxides (LDH) phases embedded within mesoporous silica (MS).
Rêmullo B. G. M. Costa ; Regildo M. G. Martins; Gerlane S. de Lima; Thayza C. M. Stamford; Wanderli P. Tadei; Maria Aparecida M. Maciel
; Amália C. M. do Rêgo; Francisco H. Xavier-Júnior
Virtual screening and molecular docking in silico analysis of Brazilian essential oils against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and host targets.
Thamiris V. Pereira ; Ricardo J. Cassella
Scheme of the developed method for the determination of iron in diesel oil using the extraction induced by emulsion breaking for sample preparation.
Antônio J. P. Sousa; George L. S. Oliveira; Lorenna Fonseca; Marcio S. Rocha; Mahendra Rai; Francisco E. P. Santos;
Sidney G. de Lima
Antioxidant properties of Croton zehntneri Pax et Hoffm. essential oil and its inclusion complex with β-cyclodextrin prepared by spray drying.
Online version ISSN 1678-4790 Printed version ISSN 0103-5053
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
JBCS Editorial and Publishing Office
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
13083-970 Campinas-SP, Brazil
Free access