20:37, Mon Mar 3

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Environmental Chemistry Collection 2022-2023

Papers from 2023

Evaluation of the Properties of LaNiO3 Material Prepared by the Modified Proteic Method for Adsorption of Environmental Contaminants

Jéssica A. S. Lemos; Iasmin A. Ribeiro; Marcelo J. B. Souza; Anne M. Garrido Pedrosa

Total access: 1949

The Contribution of Meteorological Parameters and the COVID-19 Partial Lockdown on Air Quality in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Karmel Beringui ; Elizanne P. S. Justo ; Luciana M. B. Ventura ; Ruan G. S. Gomes; Vinícius Lionel-Mateus ; Alex H. De La Cruz ; Ana Carolina L. B. de Almeida; Michelle B. Ramos; Julio Angeles Suazo; Pedro H. R. Valle; Adriana Gioda

Total access: 1266

Emerging Contaminants in Sediments as Markers of Anthropogenic Inputs in Santos Estuarine System: Analytical Method and Occurrence Data

Marisa J. S. Chaves; Sergiane C. Barbosa ; Ednei G. Primel ; Ítalo B. Castro

Total access: 1871

Ammonia Removal in Activated Carbons Prepared from Olive Oil Industry Waste

Victor Ferrer ; Mauricio Flores; Héctor Grandón; Néstor Escalona; Cristina Segura

Total access: 949

Combining Fluorescent Quantum Dots with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the Screening of both Emerging and Classical Environmental Pollutants: A Review

Shakeel Zeb; Javier E. L. Villa; Ademar Wong; Sabir Khan ; Sajjad Hussain; Maria D. P. T. Sotomayor

Total access: 1022

Mechanism and Kinetics of the Degradation of Nitazoxanide and Hydroxychloroquine Drugs by Hydroxyl Radicals: Theoretical Approach to Ecotoxicity

Flávio O. Sanches-Neto; Nayara D. Coutinho ; Vincenzo Aquilanti; Wender A. Silva; Valter H. Carvalho-Silva

Total access: 876

Photocatalytic Degradation of Bentazon Pesticide by a Fe2O3-TiO2 Composite Catalyst Irradiated by UVA, UVB, and Natural Light

Cristian S. Braga; Guilherme G. Bessegato; Keiti Maestre; Fernando R. Espinoza-Quiñones; Helton J. Alves; Leandro C. da Silva; Renato Eising; Reinaldo A. Bariccatti

Total access: 1871

Biomarkers Profile of the Mysterious 2019 Oil Spill on the Northeast Coast of Brazil and Discrimination from Unreported Events

Ignes R. dos Santos; Pedro G. C. Lucena; Alex S. Moraes; Jhonattas C. Carregosa; Tarcísio M. Santos ; Alberto Wisniewski Jr ; Jandyson M. Santos

Total access: 831

Influence of the Soil Composition on the Determination of 2,4-D and Fipronil in Environmental Samples by SLE-LC-MS/MS

Bianca V. Goulart; Beatriz C. Vizioli; Evaldo Luiz G. Espindola; Cassiana Carolina Montagner

Total access: 1135

Assessment of the Health Risk of Indigenous People by the Consumption of Fish with Hg and As in Villages Located Close to Mining

Luciano V. D. da Silva ; Simone F. P. Pereira ; Cristiane C. Carneiro ; Thiago M. e Silva ; Ronaldo M. Rocha ; Hemilton C. da Costa ; Cleber S. e Silva ; Alan M. F. de Souza ; Maria L. S. da Silva

Total access: 844

Dicamba Degradation by Fenton-Like Process Using Iron/Biochar Composites

Tiago Guimarães; Adalin C. M. de Aguiar; Elisa M. G. da Silva; Kamila C. Mielke; Marcelo M. da Costa; Antonio A. da Silva; Ana P. C. Teixeira; Renata P. Lopes

Total access: 1823

Papers from 2022

Nitrogen Oxides Levels in the Atmosphere of Different Brazilian Urban Centers, by Passive Sampling

Franciele O. C. da Rocha ; Juliana L. Barbosa; Vânia P. Campos ; Raiane S. Alves

Total access: 832

Assessment of Urban Contamination by Sewage in Sediments from Ipojuca River in Caruaru City, Pernambuco, Brazil

Ana Flávia B. de Oliveira; Bruna R. S. Gomes; Rebeca S. França; Alex S. Moraes; Giovana A. Bataglion ; Jandyson M. Santos

Total access: 1195

Microplastics in Latin America Ecosystems: A Critical Review of the Current Stage and Research Needs

Andreia N. Fernandes ; Crislaine Bertoldi; Larissa Z. Lara; Jéssica Stival; Nortom M. Alves; Pedro M. Cabrera; Marco T. Grassi

Total access: 2520

Diesel-Like Biofuels Production Using Fatty Waste

Lyvia N. B. Menezes ; Paulo A. Z. Suarez ; Grace F. Ghesti

Total access: 1294

WSOC and Its Relationship with BC, Levoglucosan and Transition Metals in the PM2.5 of an Urban Area in the Amazon

Karenn S. Fernandes ; Erickson O. dos Santos; Carla E. Batista; Igor O. Ribeiro; Victor P. Piracelli; Maria Cristina Solci ; Sergio Duvoisin Jr.; Scot T. Martin; Rodrigo A. F. Souza; Cristine M. D. Machado

Total access: 955

Trends in Carbon Dioxide Capture and Conversion

José A. O. Chagas; Aryane A. Marciniak; Claudio J. A. Mota

Total access: 1790

Is Hydrogen Indispensable for a Sustainable World? A Review of H2 Applications and Perspectives for the Next Year

Theodora W. Von Zuben; Daniel E. B. Moreira; Rafael L. Germscheidt; Rafael G. Yoshimura ; Daniel S. Dorretto; Ana B. S. de Araujo; Airton G. Salles Jr. ; Juliano A. Bonacin

Total access: 2022

The Fate of Atrazine in Tropical Environments: Photolysis, Acute Toxicity and Endocrine Disruptor Potential

Polyana S. Barcellos; Thiago M. R. Araújo; Giselle Gomes; Daniele M. Bila; Maria Cristina Canela

Total access: 1025

Mercury Concentration in Liver Tissues of South American Fur Seals (Arctocephalus australis) from Southwestern Atlantic Ocean

Guilherme S. Lima ; Amauri A. Menegario ; Everton T. Sulato ; Jorge H. Pedrobom; Juan P. Torres-Florez; Marcus A. G. de Araújo Júnior; André S. Barreto

Total access: 1102

Interaction of Lead and Calcium with Biochar Produced from Cassava Waste: Perspectives for Agricultural and Environmental Application

Ricardo R. da Silva; Luciana C. de Oliveira; Gabriele V. M. Gabriel; João I. Soletti; Mozart D. Bispo; Sivaldo S. Paulino; Simoni M. P. Meneghetti ; Geovânia C. de Assis ; Andrea P. Fernandes; Wander G. Botero

Total access: 1095

Online version ISSN 1678-4790 Printed version ISSN 0103-5053
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
JBCS Editorial and Publishing Office
University of Campinas - UNICAMP
13083-970 Campinas-SP, Brazil

Free access